Cloud Migration Services

Cloud migrations are a breeze with ITque on your side.

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Why Make the Move
to the Cloud?

Cloud services have become a hot topic in the business world, and for good reason. Traditionally, businesses have relied on in-house physical servers to store, backup and maintain their data

With cloud based solutions, you can do away with physical infrastructure by keeping your data stored on a remote server. The advantages of migrating to the cloud are plentiful.

Here are some of the biggest reasons

to make the leap into cloud computing.


Moving your data and business functions to the cloud immediately eliminates the physical restraints of data. You and your workforce can access the tools you need to conduct business from virtually anywhere in the world, across numerous devices. Moving to the cloud means freedom and flexibility for the way you do business.


With a cloud based infrastructure, it's easy to scale your capabilities up or down as needed, at the push of a button. With traditional IT infrastructure, the solution you build today will inevitably become outdated tomorrow. Cloud based services on the other hand allow instant access to more computing power, more data storage and other solutions without the need to purchase more physical hardware.

Cost Reduction

By eliminating the need for a physical server space at your headquarters, you can instantly begin to bring down IT costs. There are no expensive servers to maintain, leaving more money for you to invest elsewhere. With cloud based solutions, you only pay for the services you use. You will never have to pay for storage or computing power that you don’t need.


It's only natural to assume that if your data is not stored on site, that it may be more vulnerable to threats. However, migrating to the cloud can actually increase the security of your data and infrastructure. Major cloud providers like Amazon and Microsoft put security at the forefront of their cloud systems, ensuring security updates are automatically applied and compliance requirements satisfied. What's more, cloud based systems ensure that your data is protected against physical failure and data loss at all time

Ready to Make the Leap to the Cloud

ITque has been a trusted partner for hundreds of businesses when it's time to migrate their operations to the cloud. We take pride in our personal attention to detail and service for each and every one of our clients.

We guarantee that your data will be handled safely and securely throughout the migration process. Our personal attention to clients also ensures that migrations happen quickly, in as little as 30 days. When you’re ready to make the leap to the cloud, let ITque make the transition a breeze. Contact us today to get started.